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Amy and Staci snapping a picture for a special project a Navy wife was working on for her deployed husband.

With Love, from North Dakota

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As a military spouse, Honey Bueno understands how difficult it is to be so far apart from your loved one. This is even more difficult during special occasions, such as birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries.

So when Honey saw this post from a young Navy wife in the Facebook group “Military Spouse Networking”, her heart went out to the young woman. The post read:

“I’m doing a project for my husband who is in the Navy. It’s our first wedding anniversary, and I’m collecting photographs from all 50 states. I’m going to mail him all of the pictures on our anniversary in a week since he will still be deployed.”

“Who would say no to that?” Amy laughed. “Of course, we had to help!”

“It was really cool to be part of it, to be honest,” Staci said. “We were just the fortunate ones to be in North Dakota when she needed it!”

The temperature that day was well below zero.

Nevertheless, she and Amy typed up the sign they needed — Amy even made it multi-colored — and the two stepped outside in the freezing cold to snap a photo.

“Wait!” Amy said, grabbing a pen. She quickly added -11° to the bottom of the sign. “That’ll do it.”

The poster Amy and Staci whipped up to complete Kaleigh’s project.

They sent the photo to Honey, and Honey sent it to Kaleigh right away.

Honey was so appreciative of her Fargo friends.

“It’s nice that we live in a virtual world where any one of us can help in a matter of minutes no matter the distance,” she said. “What’s special about Staci and Amy is that no matter who it is, the situation, or even their workload, they are always willing to help.”

“People like Staci and Amy are my heroes for helping this Navy wife,” she added. “Thank you!”

For Amy and Staci, it’s about “Work Hard, Do the Right Thing, and Have a Little Fun” — one of their favorite core values.

“Amy and I definitely had fun!” Staci said, both laughing at the memory.

“It was a no-brainer to help out. We knew it was going to bring a smile to someone’s face,” Amy added, smiling herself. “So you just do it!”

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