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Strong passwords are one of the easiest ways to protect your accounts from compromise and reduce the risk of someone stealing sensitive information, data, money, or even your identity.

Use a Strong Password and Password Manager

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As our online lives expand, the average user has gone from having just a few passwords to now managing upwards of 100. That’s 100 unique passwords to remember if you’re using strong password habits. Password managers can save users the trouble of having to remember multiple passwords and make accounts safer by recommending strong, unique passwords and storing them all in one place.


Our Tips and Advice

Using an easy-to-guess password is like locking the door but leaving the key in the lock. Weak passwords can quickly be cracked by computer hackers. The good news is that strong passwords are one of the easiest ways to protect your accounts from compromise and reduce the risk of someone stealing sensitive information, data, money, or even your identity.


Strengthen Your Passwords with These Tips

  1. Longer is stronger: Passwords with at least 16 characters are the hardest to crack.
  2. Hard to guess: Use a random string of mixed-case letters, numbers, and symbols. If you need to memorize a password, create a memorable “passphrase” of 5 – 7 unrelated words. Get creative with spelling and/or add numbers or symbols
  3. One of a kind: Use a unique password for each account.

Remembering long, unique passwords for every account in our lives is impossible. Rather than write them down or reuse weak passwords, use a password manager.

Password managers generate complex and unique passwords for you, store them all in one place, and tell you when you have weak, re-used, or compromised passwords. They can also automatically fill credentials into sites and apps using a secure browser plugin. You only need to remember one master password—the one for accessing the password manager itself. (Tip: Create a memorable long “passphrase” as described above and NEVER write your master password down.)


Additional Facts and Figures

Only 33% of individuals create unique passwords for all accounts. (NCA)

Only 18% of individuals have downloaded a password manager.


Being in the know is the first step to protecting yourself and your business from cyber fraud. Choice Bank is committed to providing you with up-to-date resources and tips to help you stay informed. Learn more at

This content was produced by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the National Cybersecurity Alliance.