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Rachel didn't think twice about stepping up to help Jeanie get everything done before the end of a long day.

Lean On Me

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It was February — one of the busiest times of the year at Choice Bank in Grafton. As a farming community, this is when farmers are doing renewals and everyone is ramping up for the upcoming season.

“There’s a lot of foot traffic,” Jeanie Smestad, Insurance Manager, explained. “Everyone is constantly on the go, helping customers, zooming around all day.”

For Jeanie, it was a particularly hectic day. The kind of day where you have to-do lists spilling across your desk, and no matter how many little tasks you complete, more keep popping up.

“I had a lot of files, folders, insurance accounts,” Jeanie sighed, just thinking about it. “Oh and a mountain of paperwork to do.”

Jeanie thanked her later and described how her help was such a relief in the midst of a hectic day.  Because of Rachel’s help, Jeanie was able to finish her work day without any loose ends. Rachel was happy to do so.

“I like to be helpful,” Rachel said. “If I do something to help a coworker feel better, and keep their workflow going, that makes me happy. And it helps our customers, too!”

Both Jeanie and Rachel pointed to the core value “Know when to ask for help, and know when to offer it” with this story.

“Sometimes all you have to do is mention it, and someone takes care of it for you,” Jeanie said.

“We’ve got each other’s backs,” Rachel added with a smile.

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