Cash Management Resources > Lockbox
Remittance Address Resources
Remittance Address Notification
Once you have your new remittance address, you’ll want to notify your customers and vendors.
- Update the remittance address on your statements, invoices, bills, etc.
- Communicate the new remittance address to your customers. We have provided the letter templates below for your convenience.
Best Practices for Remit-to Address
If you print the remit-to address on your remittance document, update the address saved in your receivable’s software. All future invoices or statements will then contain the proper remit-to address. If you utilize a print vendor, provide them with the updated instructions.
Ways to notify customers of address change:
- Enclose a notice with your invoice or statement mailing instructing payments to be directed to the new address on a specified date.
- Place a message or notification on your website.
- Direct a postcard separate from your invoice to your customer’s Accounts Payable Department Supervisor. Instruct them to remit payments to the new address on a specified date. You may also want to encourage your customer to contact your billing department to validate the change in remittance instructions.
Business Mail Best Practices
Following these tips provided by the USPS can help ensure your mail is processed efficiently and reaches the correct destination.
- Name or attention line
- Company
- Delivery address
- City, state, ZIP Code
- Address and postage on the same side.
- Address parallel to the longest side of the letter.
- Use all capital letters, no punctuation.
- At least 10-point type, simple fonts, left justified.
- One space between city and state, two spaces between state and ZIP Code.
- Black ink on white or light paper, no reverse type.
- Ensure at least 1/8-inch clearance around the address if using a window envelope.
- Labels should be straight and not cut off any information.
- The attention line always goes on top.
- Suite or apartment number above the delivery address if it doesn’t fit on the same line.
- Directionals (e.g., “east”, “west”) are crucial.
- Use ZIP Code Lookup tools for accuracy.
- Avoid fancy fonts and glossy paper.